Erectile Dysfunction Vacuum Therapy

ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION VACUUM THERAPY — Erectile Rejuvenation is possible to assist many men with Erectile Dysfunction. Aleena is a Certified Somatic Sexologist who assists men with their erection issues. Aleena’s studio is located in North Brisbane Queensland. 

Erectile Dysfunction Vacuum Therapy






Erectile Dysfunction Vacuum Therapy

ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION commonly referred to as impotence, is a prevalent issue that can affect men across various age groups. While the exact prevalence remains uncertain, estimates suggest that it impacts a minimum of 1 in 5 men aged 40 and above, with the occurrence rate rising to approximately two out of three men aged 70 and above. This condition is associated with both physical and psychological risk factors, contributing to its complex nature.



ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION could potentially serve as an early indicator of more serious health concerns, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, anxiety, depression, or relationship challenges. Individuals who have undergone pelvic surgery and/or radiotherapy for conditions like prostate, bladder, and colorectal malignancies may experience erectile dysfunction as a consequence of their treatments.

Sexuality plays an integral role in a person’s life and within relationships. Thus, seeking assistance when grappling with erectile dysfunction is of paramount importance to safeguard both overall well-being and relationship dynamics.

It’s worth noting that erectile dysfunction often carries psychological implications for most men. Even when the root cause is predominantly physical, seeking support and acquiring comprehensive knowledge form essential components of the healing and treatment process.





Erectile Dysfunction Vacuum Therapy


The term “PC muscle” originates from the abbreviation of Pubococcygeus. This muscle, situated within the pelvic region, plays a vital role in maintaining the well-being of your pelvic floor and influencing the strength of your erections.

If you are the owner of a larger penis then a strong PC muscle not only contributes to your overall sexual experiences but also plays a pivotal role in achieving optimal erectile function as you age.

Men possessing a fit PC muscle possess the remarkable ability to drape a towel over their erect penis and manipulate its position at will.

Kegel exercises are the solution if you have a larger penis if you are experiencing erectile issues. The beauty of these exercises lies in their versatility, as they can be performed virtually anywhere and at any time. There is no valid reason to disregard the importance of engaging in PC muscle exercises.

Over a span of approximately six weeks, diligently committing to PC muscle exercises for five minutes twice a day, a male with a larger penis can herald the resurgence his firm and potent erection. As your PC muscle gains strength and undergoes rejuvenation, you’ll observe a positive change—awakening to firmer erections.

It is my recommendation that men allocate just five minutes each day to exercising their PC muscle, a practice that should be maintained throughout their lifetimes. By nurturing this crucial muscle, you contribute not only to your sexual prowess but also to the overall health and functionality of your pelvic region.


Erectile Dysfunction Vacuum Therapy





Erectile Dysfunction Vacuum TherapyThe quest for a larger penis is a prevailing concern among men, often leading to preoccupations with size. Yet, for those who truly possess a substantial size, the importance of a robust PC muscle becomes a critical factor that extends beyond vanity. The health of this muscle is intricately linked to complete penile engorgement, tactile sensation, and, significantly, successful penetration.

Occasionally, I see adult males who boast a notably impressive size but have encountered an unexpected downfall in bedroom confidence. They reveal a disconcerting reality: maintaining a full 100% erection has become a challenge, hovering at around 90%. Such circumstances trigger a cascade of distress, marked by anxiety, depression, and the compromise of tactile sensations during intercourse. The enigma deepens as extended time to orgasm or even the inability to achieve orgasm becomes an unwelcome companion.

In many instances, these individuals have embarked on a journey seeking resolution. Medical consultations, psychological interventions, prescriptions like Viagra or Cialis, testosterone level assessments—all have been explored.

Paradoxically, these individuals are in prime health, baffled by the enigmatic transformation in their erectile prowess. An unsettling realization emerges that the very medical professionals they turn to for answers seldom address this delicate subject directly and ask their male patient —  “HOW BIG IS YOUR PENIS?





Erectile Dysfunction Vacuum Therapy

The pathway to resurrecting and optimizing erectile function lies in the often-underestimated realm of PC muscle exercises, often known as Kegel exercises. The beauty of these exercises lies in their accessibility and versatility; they can be seamlessly incorporated into daily routines, irrespective of location or time constraints. It is an unequivocal truth that neglecting the PC muscle’s care is simply unjustifiable.

Embarking on a journey of consistent PC muscle exercises, diligently performed for just five minutes twice a day, can usher in transformation for men with larger penises. Over approximately six weeks, resilience and rejuvenation manifest, accompanied by the resurgence of firm morning erections—a promising sign of success.






The path to enduring sexual vitality is paved with a commitment to the PC muscle’s well-being. By dedicating a mere five minutes each day to these exercises, men can safeguard their sexual prowess and penile health throughout their lives.

The journey toward revitalized erectile function and unshakable confidence lies in this simple yet potent practice. So, let us collectively embrace the importance of nurturing the PC muscle—an investment that yields returns measured not just in pleasure but also in overall sexual and psychological well-being.








Erectile Dysfunction Vacuum Therapy

The connection between alcohol and erectile dysfunction (ED) lies in the intricate interplay of alcohol’s effects on the body. While moderate consumption may lead to temporary relaxation and lowered inhibitions, excessive intake can disrupt blood flow, hormonal balance, and neurological pathways crucial for achieving and maintaining erections.

Chronic alcohol abuse can lead to persistent ED by impairing the body’s ability to regulate these vital functions. Striking a balance between responsible alcohol consumption and mindful awareness of its potential consequences is key to safeguarding sexual health and maintaining a harmonious relationship between alcohol and erectile function.






Smoking and erectile dysfunction (ED) share a detrimental relationship rooted in the harmful effects of tobacco on vascular health. Smoking causes damage to blood vessels, reducing blood flow to the penile region and impeding the ability to achieve and sustain firm erections. The chemicals in cigarettes also contribute to oxidative stress, inflammation, and hormonal imbalances that further exacerbate ED. Quitting smoking is a vital step toward improving vascular function, enhancing sexual performance, and preserving overall sexual health.





Erectile Dysfunction Vacuum Therapy

Nutritional deficiency can significantly impact erectile function by compromising the body’s ability to maintain optimal blood flow, hormone production, and nerve signaling required for healthy sexual performance. Insufficient levels of essential nutrients such as vitamin D, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants can lead to vascular problems, hormonal imbalances, and oxidative stress that contribute to erectile dysfunction (ED). Prioritizing a well-balanced diet rich in these nutrients, along with adopting a healthy lifestyle, can play a crucial role in mitigating the risk of ED and fostering better overall sexual health.

Over the course of the last decade, I have consistently advocated for mineral supplementation as a key strategy for achieving erectile rejuvenation. My personal regimen includes daily consumption of powerful, plant-derived minerals, comprising a remarkable repertoire of over 74 bio-available minerals sourced from one of the world’s most abundant natural supplies.

These minerals serve as potent catalysts not only for hormone production but also for a myriad of intricate chemical reactions that underpin the vitality of our bodies. Recognizing their pivotal role in maintaining the spark of life within us, I continue to emphasize the significance of mineral supplementation in sustaining optimal human health on a daily basis.

Plant-derived minerals offer a range of remarkable sexual health advantages, including:

  1. Enhanced Sexual Performance: These minerals play a pivotal role in supporting sexual performance, contributing to improved vitality and stamina.
  2. Hormone Structure and Production: Essential for hormone synthesis, these minerals facilitate the creation and regulation of hormones, crucial for maintaining healthy sexual function.
  3. Fatigue Reduction and Reproductive Health: Plant-derived minerals aid in combating fatigue and promoting a robust reproductive system, contributing to sustained sexual well-being.
  4. Nervous System Maintenance: These minerals actively support a healthy nerve system, ensuring efficient transmission of signals essential for sexual responses.
  5. Muscle Tone Regulation: By regulating muscle tone, these minerals facilitate optimal muscular function, benefiting overall sexual performance.
  6. Cardiovascular Health: Plant-derived minerals contribute to heart rhythm regulation and cardiovascular system health, fostering robust blood circulation vital for sexual function.
  7. Energy Production, Healing, and Growth: These minerals are instrumental in the body’s energy production, aiding in healing processes and facilitating growth, all of which are crucial components of sexual vitality.
  8. Critical Role in DNA Synthesis: The minerals derived from plants are pivotal for DNA synthesis, an essential foundation for cellular processes that directly influence sexual health and function.

I personally take a specific mineral supplement on a daily basis.  Here is the link if you are interested in ordering. Paradise Nutrients — Click Here to Purchase





Often referred to as “manopause,” “andropause,” or male menopause, this phenomenon encapsulates the hormonal shifts that men undergo as they age. These transformations can exert significant impacts, influencing both mental and physical well-being, as well as sexual drive.

While sharing similarities with the menopause experienced by women during middle age, manopause takes on a distinct character, characterized by a gradual and continuous process that may span decades.

Notably, the effects of manopause can manifest early, with “age-related slowdown” and erectile dysfunction potentially surfacing as early as a man’s 30s.

This intricate interplay of hormonal changes underscores the necessity for comprehensive understanding and proactive management of male health as they navigate the various stages of life.




Erectile Dysfunction Vacuum Therapy

Testosterone, a key hormone in the male body, plays a multifaceted role in influencing muscle growth, libido, mental acuity, fat metabolism, and energy levels. It acts as a driving force behind various aspects of vitality and well-being. Often, the gradual decline in these attributes is attributed to the general process of “aging,” which holds some truth.

Research reveals that circulating testosterone levels diminish by about 1% per year as men age, with the rate of decline often accelerating as age progresses. While this process is partially inevitable, factors such as diet, obesity, and underlying health conditions can expedite the reduction in testosterone production.





  1. Age-Related Decline: By the age of 50, a male’s testosterone level is typically around 50% lower than it was during his early 20s. This decline holds significant implications, with low testosterone emerging as a prominent factor contributing to erectile dysfunction.
  2. Prevalence in Older Age: Studies estimate that approximately 25% of men over the age of 70 experience testosterone deficiency, while an even more substantial 50% of men over 80 grapple with sexual and erectile dysfunction, underscoring the critical connection between testosterone levels and sexual health.
  3. Link to Mental Health: Low testosterone levels in adult men have been associated with an increased risk of suicidal behavior. Conversely, high testosterone levels have been linked to suicidal tendencies in adolescents and young adults, highlighting the intricate interplay between hormonal balance and mental well-being.





If you find yourself at the age of 50 or beyond and are experiencing issues like erectile dysfunction, diminished libido, cognitive fogginess, or feelings of depression, it’s advisable to consult your family doctor for a comprehensive assessment of your testosterone levels.

Recognizing the pivotal role that testosterone plays in various aspects of physical and mental health, seeking professional guidance can pave the way for informed decisions and tailored interventions to address potential hormonal imbalances





Erectile Dysfunction Vacuum Therapy

The intricacies of an intimate relationship are deeply personal and often concealed from the public eye. When erectile dysfunction (ED) enters the equation, it has the potential to cast ripples through a man’s relationship with both himself and his partner. The impact can be profound and may usher in changes that reshape the dynamic between two individuals.

For a man grappling with ED, emotions of embarrassment and guilt might surface, erecting barriers that hinder open communication about this sensitive issue with his partner. As a result, the shadow of ED can eclipse the intimate connection and even the entire course of a relationship.






The sexual urge that fuels a male’s ability to achieve an erection originates in the brain. However, when the delicate balance of brain chemicals is disrupted, often due to anxiety or depression, it can cascade into erectile dysfunction (ED). The intricate dance of these factors can lead to a decrease in blood flow necessary for achieving and maintaining an erection, giving rise to the challenges of ED.






Vigilance regarding the subtle cues of depression and erectile dysfunction can pave the way for early intervention and comprehensive healing. These interconnected challenges often manifest through a range of signs, serving as important indicators for seeking professional guidance:

1. Diminished Desire and Pleasure: A significant shift in sexual desire and pleasure may signify an underlying struggle with depression and erectile dysfunction. If the once-enjoyable realm of intimacy loses its allure and becomes a source of disinterest, it may warrant a closer examination.

2. Antidepressant Impact on Sex Life: Antidepressants, while aimed at alleviating emotional distress, can inadvertently cast a shadow over one’s sex life. If you notice a stark change in sexual functioning after starting an antidepressant regimen, it’s worth discussing this concern with your healthcare provider.

3. Stress-Induced Erectile Dysfunction: Erectile dysfunction that emerges in the aftermath of stressors such as job loss, familial trauma, or the loss of a loved one can be indicative of a deeper connection between emotional distress and sexual challenges.

4. The Intersection of Anxiety and ED: When erectile dysfunction is accompanied by heightened levels of anxiety, frustration, and stress, it points toward the intricate interplay between mental well-being and sexual functioning.

5. Self-Perception and Erectile Dysfunction: A sense of negativity and dissatisfaction with oneself may underlie erectile dysfunction. Feeling trapped in a cycle of negative self-perception and sexual challenges can have a profound impact on overall well-being.





Erectile Dysfunction Vacuum Therapy

The intricate dance of male arousal involves a symphony of factors, orchestrated by the brain, nerves, and blood vessels. However, the harmony can be disrupted for those grappling with diabetes. The undeniable link between diabetes and erectile dysfunction serves as a stark reminder of the body’s delicate balance and the far-reaching impacts of this chronic condition.

1. A Complex Connection: Approximately 75 percent of diabetic men encounter challenges in achieving or sustaining an erection suitable for sexual intercourse. The narrative of male arousal commences in the brain, as pleasurable sensations are perceived by the nerves, and a rush of blood is ushered to the penis through the arteries. However, the intricate teamwork can falter under the weight of poorly controlled diabetes.

2. The Dual Effect of High Blood Sugar: In the realm of diabetes-related erectile dysfunction, the central antagonist is high blood sugar. Prolonged elevation of blood sugar levels can inflict harm upon both nerve function and the arteries that fuel penile engorgement. These arteries, crucial for maintaining an erection, can become compromised over time due to the relentless impact of unmanaged diabetes.

3. A Gradual Unraveling: The consequences of diabetes on sexual function unfold gradually. Years may elapse before the subtle shifts in erectile performance come to the forefront for individuals with diabetes.

4. Addressing the Underlying Cause: To counter the intricate interplay between diabetes and erectile dysfunction, a comprehensive approach must be embraced. Prioritizing the management of high blood sugar emerges as the primary intervention. Consultation with a healthcare professional is paramount, as they can offer tailored guidance on navigating both the diabetes and erectile dysfunction landscape.

5. Beyond the Physical Realm: When blood sugar control is achieved and medical causes are ruled out, psychological factors might come into play. Erectile difficulties may have a psychological basis, warranting consideration of counseling as a supportive resource. Seeking the guidance of a counselor can unravel the emotional dimensions that could contribute to challenges in maintaining an erection.






At its core, an erection is a vascular event—requiring healthy blood vessels to deliver increased blood flow to the penis. Cardiovascular disease, particularly atherosclerosis, disrupts this vital blood flow by narrowing or clogging arteries. This same process that affects the heart’s blood vessels can also impact those leading to the penis, giving rise to erectile problems.

ED can serve as an early indicator of cardiovascular disease, offering a glimpse into the state of a person’s blood vessels before more apparent symptoms manifest. As cardiovascular issues progress, they can impact smaller arteries first—those leading to the penis—making ED a potential precursor to more widespread arterial problems.

Both ED and cardiovascular disease share several risk factors, including obesity, diabetes, smoking, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Addressing these risk factors not only improves cardiovascular health but can also positively impact erectile function.

Understanding the connection between cardiovascular disease and ED empowers individuals to take proactive measures for their health. Seeking medical advice, adopting heart-healthy lifestyles, and managing risk factors can contribute to both improved cardiovascular health and enhanced sexual well-being.

Acknowledging the intricate interplay between ED and cardiovascular disease underscores the importance of a holistic approach to health. By recognizing the signs and seeking timely medical attention, individuals can safeguard not only their sexual vitality but also their overall cardiovascular well-being.

Viewing erectile dysfunction as a potential sentinel for cardiovascular disease highlights the body’s intricate communication system. Through awareness, early intervention, and a commitment to heart-healthy habits, individuals can navigate the hidden connection between ED and cardiovascular health, ensuring a more comprehensive approach to their well-being.




Erectile Dysfunction Vacuum Therapy

Obesity, a growing health concern in today’s world, extends its impact far beyond physical appearance and overall health. One lesser-known consequence of obesity is its profound influence on sexual function, particularly in men. The intricate connection between obesity and Erectile Dysfunction (ED) underscores the importance of maintaining a healthy weight for both physical and sexual well-being.

Obesity contributes to the development of several conditions that can directly or indirectly lead to ED. These include insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol—all of which compromise blood vessel health and blood flow, critical components for achieving and maintaining an erection.

Obesity also affects hormonal balance, causing disruptions in hormones like testosterone. Testosterone plays a crucial role in sexual desire and performance, and obesity-induced hormonal imbalances can contribute to decreased libido and ED.

Beyond its physical effects, obesity can also trigger psychological challenges, such as reduced self-esteem, body image issues, and heightened stress and anxiety. These psychological factors can exacerbate ED, creating a cycle of physical and emotional distress.

Addressing obesity is a multifaceted endeavor, requiring lifestyle modifications that encompass dietary changes, regular exercise, and stress management. Weight loss not only improves overall health but can also lead to enhanced sexual function, revitalizing self-confidence and intimacy.

Taking proactive steps to manage obesity can set off a positive chain reaction. As weight loss is achieved, improvements in blood vessel health, hormonal balance, and psychological well-being can contribute to better sexual health and ED prevention.

Navigating obesity’s impact on sexual health can be challenging, but seeking medical guidance and professional support can provide valuable strategies and solutions. An individualized approach that considers both physical and emotional aspects is key to addressing both obesity and its effects on sexual function.

Recognizing the intricate link between obesity and Erectile Dysfunction underscores the importance of maintaining a healthy weight for a fulfilling and satisfying sex life. By prioritizing weight management, individuals can reclaim their sexual vitality, enhance their overall well-being, and embark on a journey to better health and intimacy.






Undergoing pelvic surgery can be a life-changing experience, often undertaken to address serious health conditions. However, this medical intervention can sometimes come with unintended consequences for sexual health, specifically Erectile Dysfunction (ED). Understanding the potential impact of pelvic surgery on ED and exploring strategies for addressing these challenges is crucial for individuals facing such situations.

The Complex Connection: Pelvic surgeries, whether for prostate, bladder, colorectal malignancies, or other conditions, can directly affect the delicate balance of nerves, blood vessels, and tissues crucial for achieving and maintaining erections. The disruption of these vital components during surgery can lead to nerve damage, reduced blood flow, and tissue scarring, all of which contribute to ED.

The Role of Nerve Damage: Nerves play a significant role in the process of achieving an erection. Pelvic surgeries involving the removal or manipulation of nerves in the pelvic region can result in nerve damage, causing a loss of sensation and impairing the signaling necessary for proper erectile function.

Blood Flow Impairment: Proper blood flow is essential for a successful erection. Pelvic surgeries can potentially damage blood vessels or disrupt the intricate pathways that facilitate blood flow to the penile region. This impairment can lead to difficulties in achieving and maintaining an erection.

Addressing Post-Surgery ED: It’s important to recognize that experiencing ED after pelvic surgery is not uncommon. Open communication with a healthcare provider is crucial for addressing this issue. Medical professionals can offer guidance on potential treatments, including oral medications, penile implants, vacuum erection devices, and injection therapies. Each option has its own benefits and considerations, and a personalized approach should be discussed based on individual circumstances.

Emotional and Psychological Impact: In addition to the physical challenges, the emotional toll of experiencing ED post-surgery can be significant. Feelings of frustration, disappointment, and anxiety are common. Seeking support from healthcare providers and mental health professionals can help individuals navigate these emotional aspects and regain confidence in their sexual health.

Exploring Rehabilitation Techniques: For those who have undergone pelvic surgery, including prostatectomy, penile rehabilitation techniques may be recommended. These techniques aim to restore erectile function through exercises, medications, and devices designed to stimulate blood flow and maintain tissue health in the penile region.




Erectile Dysfunction Vacuum Therapy

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) can significantly impact a man’s quality of life, but advancements in medical science have introduced medications that can help restore sexual function. Among these medications, Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis are commonly prescribed to treat ED. Understanding how these drugs work and their potential benefits is essential for individuals considering them as a treatment option.

Mechanism of Action: Viagra (sildenafil), Levitra (vardenafil), and Cialis (tadalafil) are all part of a class of drugs known as phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. They function by targeting PDE5, an enzyme responsible for breaking down cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), a chemical that promotes the relaxation of smooth muscles and increased blood flow to the penis. By inhibiting PDE5, these medications enhance the effects of cGMP, facilitating the engorgement of blood vessels in the penis, resulting in an erection.

Distinctive Characteristics: While these drugs share a common mechanism of action, there are some distinctions among them that individuals should consider:

  1. Viagra (sildenafil): This was the first oral ED medication and remains one of the most well-known. It usually takes effect within 30 to 60 minutes after ingestion and lasts for around four to six hours.
  2. Levitra (vardenafil): Similar to Viagra, Levitra begins to work within approximately 30 to 60 minutes and provides an erection for four to six hours. Some individuals may find that it has a faster onset of action compared to Viagra.
  3. Cialis (tadalafil): Cialis stands out due to its extended duration of action, lasting up to 36 hours. It can be taken on-demand or in lower daily doses for continuous treatment. This feature has earned it the nickname “the weekend pill.”

Important Considerations: It’s crucial to recognize that these medications do not function as aphrodisiacs. Sexual arousal is a prerequisite for their effectiveness. Moreover, potential side effects and interactions with other medications should be discussed with a healthcare provider before use. Common side effects may include headaches, flushing, nasal congestion, indigestion, and visual disturbances.





For men who have exhausted various treatment options without success, penile implants offer a surgical solution to address Erectile Dysfunction (ED). When other interventions have proven ineffective, penile implants may be recommended to restore the ability to achieve and maintain an erection. There are two primary types of penile implants, each designed to suit different needs and preferences.

Semi-Rigid Rods: One type of penile implant consists of semi-rigid rods that are surgically inserted into the penis. These rods maintain a level of firmness in the penis, even when not erect. This design allows the penis to be gently bent downward when an erection is not desired.

The semi-rigid rods provide consistent support and can be an effective solution for individuals seeking a simpler implant option. However, the trade-off is that the penis remains partially firm at all times.

Inflatable Implants: Inflatable implants offer a more versatile solution by providing the ability to achieve an erection on-demand. This type of implant consists of an inflatable device inserted into the penis and a pump located in the scrotum.

When the user desires an erection, they squeeze the pump, causing the implant to fill with saline fluid. This fluid infusion results in a firm and erect penis, enabling sexual activity. The erection will persist as long as the implant remains inflated. After intercourse, the user can deflate the implant by releasing the fluid back into a reservoir.





Erectile Dysfunction Vacuum Therapy

Erectile Dysfunction Vacuum Therapy


The Encore Vacuum Pump, coupled with a plastic cylinder, offers a specialized solution known as vacuum erection therapy. Designed to aid men in achieving and maintaining an erection, particularly following surgery or for those experiencing Erectile Dysfunction (ED), this approach provides an effective method for enhancing penile health and function.





The key principle behind the Encore Vacuum Pump lies in creating a vacuum environment within the plastic cylinder. As the vacuum is established, blood flow is encouraged to the penis, resulting in the engorgement necessary for achieving an erection.

Once the penis attains the desired level of rigidity, a constriction ring is carefully placed at the base of the penis, near the cylinder’s end. This ring prevents the rapid escape of blood once the vacuum pump is removed. It’s important to note that the constriction ring should not be worn for more than 30 minutes at a time to ensure optimal safety and comfort.





The Encore Vacuum Pump serves multiple purposes within the realm of sexual health and rehabilitation. For men seeking assistance in obtaining an erection firm enough for penetration, this device can be an effective aid. Additionally, the vacuum pump can play a role in penile rehabilitation, particularly after surgery.

By using the vacuum pump on a daily basis within four to eight weeks post-surgery, men may help maintain the length and thickness of their penis, promoting overall penile health during the recovery process.





Erectile Dysfunction Vacuum Therapy

After surgery, it’s common for men to experience changes in penile health and function. Penile rehabilitation aims to mitigate potential issues by promoting blood flow, maintaining tissue health, and preventing tissue fibrosis.

The Encore Vacuum Pump’s ability to stimulate blood flow and encourage healthy engorgement aligns with the goals of penile rehabilitation. Regular use of the vacuum pump as directed can contribute to an improved recovery process and enhanced sexual health outcomes.






Owner Of the Kinkassage Trademark Aleena AspleyContact: Aleena Aspley, North Brisbane, Australia

Website: Click Here

Phone: 0404 449 433






  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Obesity
  • Long-Term Depression – Lack of erection due to medication
  • Pelvic Surgery
  • Prostate Surgery
  • Radiotherapy for Prostate, Bladder & Colo-rectal Malignancies





Erectile Dysfunction Vacuum Therapy

After reading my blog today, it becomes evident that a variety of factors can influence a man’s sexual well-being. Medications, such as antidepressants, ulcer medications, and blood pressure drugs, have the potential to impact erectile function. If you suspect that your medications may be contributing to erectile dysfunction, engaging in an open dialogue with your healthcare provider is crucial. A simple adjustment to your prescription could yield a significant improvement in your sexual health.

Furthermore, it’s important to acknowledge that changes in sexual drive and performance are a natural part of the aging process for all men. While some decrease in these aspects is expected as men age, maintaining open communication with both your partner and healthcare professional is essential. This dialogue allows you to navigate these changes and seek appropriate solutions while continuing to enjoy a richly intimate and exciting sexual life.

Remember, a comprehensive approach to sexual health involves not only medical interventions but also lifestyle adjustments, emotional well-being, and strong connections with your partner and medical team. By addressing concerns promptly and proactively, you can embrace a fulfilling and satisfying sexual journey throughout every stage of life


Owner Of the Kinkassage Trademark Aleena AspleyWritten by Certified Somatic Sexologist, Aleena Aspley, Brisbane Australia Click Here to book an appointment with me.







Erectile Dysfunction Vacuum Therapy